Source code for dios.dios

from .base import _DiosBase, _is_dios_like
from .lib import Opts, OptsFields, dios_options
from .lib import _find_least_common_itype
from . import pandas_bridge as pdextra

import functools as ftools
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

[docs]class DictOfSeries(_DiosBase): """ A data frame where every column has its own index. DictOfSeries is a collection of pd.Series's which aim to be as close as possible similar to pd.DataFrame. The advantage over pd.DataFrame is, that every `column` has its own row-index, unlike the former, which provide a single row-index for all columns. This solves problems with unaligned data and data which varies widely in length. Indexing with ``di[]``, ``di.loc[]`` and ``di.iloc[]`` should work analogous to these methods from pd.DataFrame. The indexer can be a single label, a slice, a list-like, a boolean list-like, or a boolean DictOfSeries/pd.DataFrame and can be used to selectively get or set data. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, Iterable, dict, or scalar value Contains data stored in Series. columns : array-like Column labels to use for resulting frame. Will default to RangeIndex(0, 1, 2, ..., n) if no column labels are provided. index : Index or array-like Index to use to reindex every given series during init. Ignored if omitted. itype : Itype, pd.Index, Itype-string-repr or type Every series that is inserted, must have an index of this type or any of this types subtypes. If None, the itype is inferred as soon as the first non-empty series is inserted. cast_policy : {'save', 'force', 'never'}, default 'save' Policy used for (down-)casting the index of a series if its type does not match the ``itype``. """ def __init__(self, data=None, columns=None, index=None, itype=None, cast_policy='save', fastpath=False): super().__init__( data=data, columns=columns, index=index, itype=itype, cast_policy=cast_policy, fastpath=fastpath ) @property def _constructor(self): """ Return the class. Useful for construction in the elder class. A import of DictOfSeries would end up cyclic.""" return DictOfSeries @property def indexes(self): """ Return pandas.Series with the indexes of all columns. """ return self.for_each('index') @property def values(self): """ Return a numpy.array of numpy.arrays with the values of all columns. The outer has the length of columns, the inner holds the values of the column. """ s = self.for_each('values') return s.values @property def dtypes(self): """ Return pandas.Series with the dtypes of all columns. """ return self.for_each('dtype') @property def lengths(self): """ Return pandas.Series with the lenght of all columns. """ return self._data.apply(len) @property def size(self): return self.lengths.sum() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Dict-like methods
[docs] def clear(self): d = self._data self._data = pd.Series(dtype=d.dtype, index=type(d.index)([]))
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): return self._data.get(key, default)
[docs] def items(self): return self._data.items()
[docs] def keys(self): return self.columns
[docs] def pop(self, *args): # We support a default value, like dict, in contrary to pd. # Therefore we need to handle args manually, because dict-style pop() # differ between a single arg and a tuple-arg, with arg and default, # where the second arg can be anything, including None. If the key is # not present, and a single arg is given, a KeyError is raised, but # with a given default value, it is returned instead. if len(args) == 0: raise TypeError("pop expected at least 1 arguments, got 0") if len(args) > 2: raise TypeError(f"pop expected at most 2 arguments, got {len(args)}") key, *rest = args if key in self.columns: return self._data.pop(key) elif rest: return rest.pop() raise KeyError(key)
[docs] def popitem(self): last = self.columns[-1] return last, self._data.pop(last)
[docs] def setdefault(self, key, default=None): if key not in self.columns: self._insert(key, default) return self._data[key]
[docs] def update(self, other): if not _is_dios_like(other): other = to_dios(other) self.aloc[other, ...] = other
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # High-Level Iteration
[docs] def iteritems(self): yield from self.items()
[docs] def iterrows(self, fill_value=np.nan, squeeze=True): """ Iterate over DictOfSeries rows as (index, pandas.Series/DictOfSeries) pairs. **MAY BE VERY PERFORMANCE AND/OR MEMORY EXPENSIVE** Parameters ---------- fill_value: scalar, default numpy.nan Fill value for row entry, if the column does not have an entry at the current index location. This ensures that the returned Row always contain all columns. If ``None`` is given no value is filled. If ``fill_value=None`` and ``squeeze=True`` the resulting Row (a pandas.Series) may differ in length between iterator calls. That's because an entry, that is not present in a column, will also not be present in the resulting Row. squeeze: bool, default False * ``True`` : A pandas.Series is returned for each row. * ``False`` : A single-rowed DictOfSeries is returned for each row. Yields ------ index : label The index of the row. data : Series or DictOfSeries The data of the row as a Series if squeeze is True, as a DictOfSeries otherwise. See Also -------- DictOfSeries.iteritems : Iterate over (column name, Series) pairs. """ # todo: 2nd posibility for fill_value=Any, squeeze=False # do it like in case fill_value=None -> # 1. row = aloc the row # 2. e = row.isempty() # 3. row.loc[idx,e] = fill_value # This approach could be much better, because the dtype of # the columns is preserved. # PROBABLY PERFORMANCE EXPENSIVE if fill_value is None: allidx = self.index_of('all') if squeeze: for i in allidx: yield i, self.aloc[i:i].dropempty().squeeze(axis=0) else: for i in allidx: yield self.aloc[i:i] # PROBABLY MEMORY EXPENSIVE else: if fill_value is np.nan: df = self.to_df() else: nans = self.isna().to_df().fillna(False) df = self.to_df().fillna(fill_value) df[nans] = np.nan if squeeze: yield from df.iterrows() else: for idx, row in df.iterrows(): yield idx, DictOfSeries(data=row.to_dict(), index=[idx])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Broadcasting and Reducing
[docs] def for_each(self, attr_or_callable, **kwds): """ Apply a callable or a pandas.Series method or property on each column. Parameters ---------- attr_or_callable: Any A pandas.Series attribute or any callable, to apply on each column. A series attribute can be any property, field or method and also could be specified as string. If a callable is given it must take pandas.Series as the only positional argument. **kwds: any kwargs to passed to callable Returns ------- pandas.Series A series with the results, indexed by the column labels. See Also -------- DictOfSeries.apply : Apply functions to columns and convert result to DictOfSeries. Examples -------- >>> d = DictOfSeries([range(3), range(4)], columns=['a', 'b']) >>> d a | b | ==== | ==== | 0 0 | 0 0 | 1 1 | 1 1 | 2 2 | 2 2 | | 3 3 | Use with a callable.. >>> d.for_each(max) columns a 2 b 3 dtype: object ..or with a string, denoting a pd.Series attribute and therefor is the same as giving the latter. >>> d.for_each('max') columns a 2 b 3 dtype: object >>> d.for_each(pd.Series.max) columns a 2 b 3 dtype: object Both also works with properties: >>> d.for_each('dtype') columns a int64 b int64 dtype: object """ attrOcall = attr_or_callable if isinstance(attrOcall, str): attrOcall = getattr(pd.Series, attrOcall) call = callable(attrOcall) if not call: attrOcall = attr_or_callable data = pd.Series(dtype='O', index=self.columns) for c in self.columns: dat =[c] if call:[c] = attrOcall(dat, **kwds) else:[c] = getattr(dat, attrOcall) return data
[docs] def apply(self, func, axis=0, raw=False, args=(), **kwds): """ Apply a function along an axis of the DictOfSeries. Parameters ---------- func : callable Function to apply on each column. axis : {0 or 'index', 1 or 'columns'}, default 0 Axis along which the function is applied: * 0 or 'index': apply function to each column. * 1 or 'columns': NOT IMPLEMENTED raw : bool, default False Determines if row or column is passed as a Series or ndarray object: * ``False`` : passes each row or column as a Series to the function. * ``True`` : the passed function will receive ndarray objects instead. If you are just applying a NumPy reduction function this will achieve much better performance. args : tuple Positional arguments to pass to `func` in addition to the array/series. **kwds Additional keyword arguments to pass as keywords arguments to `func`. Returns ------- Series or DataFrame Result of applying ``func`` along the given axis of the DataFrame. Raises ------ NotImplementedError * if axis is 'columns' or 1 See Also -------- DictOfSeries.for_each: apply pd.Series methods or properties to each column Examples -------- We use the example DictOfSeries from :ref:`indexing <doc_indexing:Example dios>`. >>> di = di[:5] a | b | c | d | ===== | ==== | ===== | ===== | 0 0 | 2 5 | 4 7 | 6 0 | 1 7 | 3 6 | 5 17 | 7 1 | 2 14 | 4 7 | 6 27 | 8 2 | 3 21 | 5 8 | 7 37 | 9 3 | 4 28 | 6 9 | 8 47 | 10 4 | >>> di.apply(max) columns a 28 b 9 c 47 d 4 dtype: int64 >>> di.apply(pd.Series.count) columns a 5 b 5 c 5 d 5 dtype: int64 One can pass keyword arguments directly.. >>> di.apply(pd.Series.value_counts, normalize=True) a | b | c | d | ======= | ====== | ======= | ====== | 7 0.2 | 7 0.2 | 7 0.2 | 4 0.2 | 14 0.2 | 6 0.2 | 37 0.2 | 3 0.2 | 21 0.2 | 5 0.2 | 47 0.2 | 2 0.2 | 28 0.2 | 9 0.2 | 27 0.2 | 1 0.2 | 0 0.2 | 8 0.2 | 17 0.2 | 0 0.2 | Or define a own funtion.. >>> di.apply(lambda s : 'high' if max(s) > 10 else 'low') columns a high b low c high d low dtype: object And also more advanced functions that return a list-like can be given. Note that the returned lists not necessarily must have the same length. >>> func = lambda s : ('high', max(s), min(s)) if min(s) > (max(s)//2) else ('low',max(s)) >>> di.apply(func) a | b | c | d | ====== | ======= | ====== | ====== | 0 low | 0 high | 0 low | 0 low | 1 28 | 1 9 | 1 47 | 1 4 | | 2 5 | | | """ if axis in [1, 'columns']: raise NotImplementedError elif axis in [0, 'index']: # we cannot use self._data.apply(func=func, args=args, **kwds) # because this may return a pandas.DataFrame. Also we cannot # use pandas.Series.apply(), because this works on its values. need_dios = need_convert = False result = pd.Series(dtype='O', index=self.columns) for c in self.columns: dat =[c].values if raw else[c] s = func(dat, *args, **kwds)[c] = s if pdextra.is_scalar(s): need_convert = True else: need_dios = True if not isinstance(s, pd.Series): need_convert = True if need_dios: if need_convert: for c in result.index:[c] = pd.Series(result[c]) itype = _find_least_common_itype(result) result = DictOfSeries(data=result, itype=itype, fastpath=True) else: raise ValueError(axis) return result
[docs] def reduce_columns(self, func, initial=None, skipna=False): """ Reduce all columns to a single pandas.Series by a given function. Apply a function of two pandas.Series as arguments, cumulatively to all columns, from left to right, so as to reduce the columns to a single pandas.Series. If initial is present, it is placed before the columns in the calculation, and serves as a default when the columns are empty. Parameters ---------- func : function The function must take two identically indexed pandas.Series and should return a single pandas.Series with the same index. initial : column-label or pd.Series, default None The series to start with. If None a dummy series is created, with the indices of all columns and the first seen values. skipna : bool, default False If True, skip NaN values. Returns ------- pandas.Series A series with the reducing result and the index of the start series, defined by ``initializer``. """ if initial is None: value = pd.Series(index=self.index_of('all')) for d in self._data: value = value.combine_first(d) elif isinstance(initial, pd.Series): value = initial.copy() elif initial in self.columns: value =[initial].copy() else: raise ValueError("initial must be pd.Series, a column label or None") if skipna: val = value.dropna() data = self.dropna()._data else: val = value data = self._data for d in data: idx = val.index & d.index if len(idx) > 0: l, r = val.loc[idx], d.loc[idx] val.loc[idx] = func(l, r) if skipna: value.loc[val.index] = val return value
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Merging and Joining
[docs] def combine_first(self, other, keepna=False): """ Update null elements with value in the same location in other. Combine two DictOfSeries objects by filling null values in one DictOfSeries with non-null values from other DictOfSeries. The row and column indexes of the resulting DictOfSeries will be the union of the two. Parameters ---------- keepna : bool, default False By default Nan's are updated by other and new value-index pairs from other are inserted. If set to True, NaN's are not updated and only new value-index pair are inserted. other : DictOfSeries Provided DictOfSeries to use to fill null values. Returns ------- DictOfSeries """ if keepna: nans = self.isna() new: DictOfSeries = self.copy() for c in other.columns: if c in self.columns: col =[c].combine_first(other[c]) else: col = other[c][c] = col if keepna: new.aloc[nans] = np.nan return new
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Misc methods
[docs] def index_of(self, method='all'): """ Return an single index with indices from all columns. Parameters ---------- method : string, default 'all' * 'all' : get all indices from all columns * 'union' : alias for 'all' * 'shared' : get indices that are present in every columns * 'intersection' : alias for 'shared' * 'uniques' : get indices that are only present in a single column * 'non-uniques' : get indices that are present in more than one column Returns ------- pd.Index A single duplicate-free index, somehow representing indices of all columns. Examples -------- We use the example DictOfSeries from :ref:`indexing <doc_indexing:Example dios>`. >>> di a | b | c | d | ===== | ====== | ====== | ===== | 0 0 | 2 5 | 4 7 | 6 0 | 1 7 | 3 6 | 5 17 | 7 1 | 2 14 | 4 7 | 6 27 | 8 2 | 3 21 | 5 8 | 7 37 | 9 3 | 4 28 | 6 9 | 8 47 | 10 4 | 5 35 | 7 10 | 9 57 | 11 5 | 6 42 | 8 11 | 10 67 | 12 6 | 7 49 | 9 12 | 11 77 | 13 7 | 8 56 | 10 13 | 12 87 | 14 8 | 9 63 | 11 14 | 13 97 | 15 9 | >>> di.index_of() RangeIndex(start=0, stop=16, step=1) >>> di.index_of("shared") Int64Index([6, 7, 8, 9], dtype='int64') >>> di.index_of("uniques") Int64Index([0, 1, 14, 15], dtype='int64') """ indexes = self.indexes if len(indexes) <= 1: return indexes.squeeze() if method in ['union', 'all']: res = ftools.reduce(pd.Index.union, indexes) elif method in ['intersection', 'shared']: res = ftools.reduce(pd.Index.intersection, indexes) elif method in ['uniques', 'non-uniques']: res = ftools.reduce(pd.Index.append, indexes) res = res.value_counts(sort=False, dropna=False) if method == 'uniques': res = res[res == 1].index else: res = res[res > 1].index else: raise ValueError(method) return res if res.is_unique else res.unique()
[docs] def squeeze(self, axis=None): """ Squeeze a 1-dimensional axis objects into scalars. """ if axis in [0, 'index']: if (self.lengths == 1).all(): return self._data.apply(pd.Series.squeeze) return self elif axis in [1, 'columns']: if len(self) == 1: return self._data.squeeze() return self elif axis is None: if len(self) == 1: return self._data.squeeze().squeeze() if (self.lengths == 1).all(): return self._data.apply(pd.Series.squeeze).squeeze() return self raise ValueError(axis)
[docs] def dropna(self, inplace=False): """ Return a bolean array that is `True` if the value is a Nan-value """ data = self.for_each('dropna', inplace=False) # never pass inplace=True if inplace: self._data = data else: return DictOfSeries(data=data, itype=self.itype, cast_policy=self._policy, fastpath=True)
[docs] def dropempty(self): """ Drop empty columns. Return copy. """ return self.loc[:, self.notempty()]
[docs] def astype(self, dtype, copy=True, errors='raise'): """ Cast the data to the given data type. """ data = self.for_each('astype', dtype=dtype, copy=copy, errors=errors) return DictOfSeries(data=data, itype=self.itype, cast_policy=self._policy, fastpath=True)
def _mask_or_where(self, cond, other=np.nan, inplace=False, mask=True): """ helper to mask/where """ data = self if inplace else self.copy() if callable(other): other = other(data) if callable(cond): cond = cond(data) # if DictOfSeries is bool, # is already checked in aloc elif not _is_dios_like(cond): if not pdextra.is_bool_indexer(cond): raise ValueError("Object with boolean entries only expected for the condition") if mask: data.aloc[cond] = other else: data.aloc[~cond] = other if inplace: return None return data
[docs] def where(self, cond, other=np.nan, inplace=False): """ Replace values where the condition is False. Parameters ---------- cond : bool DictOfSeries, Series, array-like, or callable Where cond is True, keep the original value. Where False, replace with corresponding value from other. If cond is callable, it is computed on the DictOfSeries and should return boolean DictOfSeries or array. The callable must not change input DictOfSeries (though dios doesn’t check it). If cond is a bool Series, every column is (row-)aligned against it, before the boolean values are evaluated. Missing indices are treated like False values. other : scalar, Series, DictOfSeries, or callable Entries where cond is False are replaced with corresponding value from other. If other is callable, it is computed on the DictOfSeries and should return scalar or DictOfSeries. The callable must not change input DictOfSeries (though dios doesn’t check it). If other is a Series, every column is (row-)aligned against it, before the values are written. NAN's are written for missing indices. inplace : bool, default False Whether to perform the operation in place on the data. Returns ------- DictOfSeries See Also -------- mask: Mask data where condition is True """ return self._mask_or_where(cond=cond, other=other, inplace=inplace, mask=False)
[docs] def mask(self, cond, other=np.nan, inplace=False): """ Replace values where the condition is True. Parameters ---------- cond : bool DictOfSeries, Series, array-like, or callable Where cond is False, keep the original value. Where True, replace with corresponding value from other. If cond is callable, it is computed on the DictOfSeries and should return boolean DictOfSeries or array. The callable must not change input DictOfSeries (though dios doesn’t check it). If cond is a bool Series, every column is (row-)aligned against it, before the boolean values are evaluated. Missing indices are treated like False values. other : scalar, Series, DictOfSeries, or callable Entries where cond is True are replaced with corresponding value from other. If other is callable, it is computed on the DictOfSeries and should return scalar or DictOfSeries. The callable must not change input DictOfSeries (though dios doesn’t check it). If other is a Series, every column is (row-)aligned against it, before the values are written. NAN's are written for missing indices. inplace : bool, default False Whether to perform the operation in place on the data. Returns ------- DictOfSeries See Also -------- mask: Mask data where condition is False """ return self._mask_or_where(cond=cond, other=other, inplace=inplace, mask=True)
[docs] def memory_usage(self, index=True, deep=False): return self.for_each(pd.Series.memory_usage, index=index, deep=deep).sum()
[docs] def to_df(self, how='outer'): """ Transform DictOfSeries to a pandas.DataFrame. Because a pandas.DataFrame can not handle Series of different length, but DictOfSeries can, the missing data is filled with NaNs or is dropped, depending on the keyword `how`. Parameters ---------- how: {'outer', 'inner'}, default 'outer' define how the resulting DataFrame index is generated: * 'outer': The indices of all columns, merged into one index is used. If a column misses values at the new index location, `NaN`s are filled. * 'inner': Only indices that are present in all columns are used, filling logic is not needed, but values are dropped, if a column has indices that are not known to all other columns. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame: transformed data Examples -------- Missing data locations are filled with NaN's >>> a = pd.Series(11, index=range(2)) >>> b = pd.Series(22, index=range(3)) >>> c = pd.Series(33, index=range(1,9,3)) >>> di = DictOfSeries(dict(a=a, b=b, c=c)) >>> di a | b | c | ===== | ===== | ===== | 0 11 | 0 22 | 1 33 | 1 11 | 1 22 | 4 33 | | 2 22 | 7 33 | >>> di.to_df() columns a b c 0 11.0 22.0 NaN 1 11.0 22.0 33.0 2 NaN 22.0 NaN 4 NaN NaN 33.0 7 NaN NaN 33.0 or is dropped if `how='inner'` >>> di.to_df(how='inner') columns a b c 1 11 22 33 """ if how == 'inner': how = 'shared' elif how == 'outer': how = 'all' else: raise ValueError(how) index = self.index_of(how) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.columns, index=index) for c in self.columns: # this automatically respects the df-index, that # was set before. Missing locations are already # nans, present locations are set. df[c] =[c] return df
@property def debugDf(self): """ Alias for ``to_df()`` as property, for debugging purpose.""" return self.to_df()
[docs] def min(self, axis=0, skipna=True): if axis in [0, 'index', None]: return self.for_each(pd.Series.min, skipna=skipna) elif axis in [1, 'columns']: func = lambda s1, s2: s1.where(s1 < s2, s2) return self.reduce_columns(func, skipna=skipna) raise ValueError(axis)
[docs] def max(self, axis=None, skipna=None): if axis in [0, 'index', None]: return self.for_each(pd.Series.min, skipna=skipna) elif axis in [1, 'columns']: func = lambda s1, s2: s1.where(s1 > s2, s2) return self.reduce_columns(func, skipna=skipna) raise ValueError(axis)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Boolean and empty stuff
[docs] def equals(self, other): """ Test whether two DictOfSeries contain the same elements. This function allows two DictOfSeries to be compared against each other to see if they have the same shape and elements. NaNs in the same location are considered equal. The column headers do not need to have the same type, but the elements within the columns must be the same dtype. Parameters ---------- other: DictOfSeries The other DictOfSeries to compare with. Returns ------- bool True if all elements are the same in both DictOfSeries, False otherwise. """ if not isinstance(other, DictOfSeries): return False try: eq_nans = (self.isna() == other.isna()).all(None) eq_data = (self.dropna() == other.dropna()).all(None) eq_dtypes = (self.dtypes == other.dtypes).all() return eq_nans and eq_dtypes and eq_data except Exception: return False
[docs] def isin(self, values): """ Return a boolean dios, that indicates if the corresponding value is in the given array-like. """ data = self.for_each('isin', values=values) return DictOfSeries(data=data, itype=self.itype, cast_policy=self._policy, fastpath=True)
[docs] def all(self, axis=0): """ Return whether all elements are True, potentially over an axis. Returns True unless there at least one element within a series or along a DictOfSeries axis that is False or equivalent (e.g. zero or empty). Parameters ---------- axis : {0 or ‘index’, 1 or ‘columns’, None}, default 0 Indicate which axis or axes should be reduced. * 0 / ‘index’ : reduce the index, return a Series whose index is the original column labels. * 1 / ‘columns’ : reduce the columns, return a Series whose index is the union of all columns indexes. * None : reduce all axes, return a scalar. Returns ------- pandas.Series See Also -------- pandas.Series.all: Return True if all elements are True. any: Return True if one (or more) elements are True. """ if axis in [0, 'index']: return self._data.apply(all) elif axis in [1, 'columns']: func = lambda s1, s2: s1.astype(bool) & s2.astype(bool) init = pd.Series(True, dtype=bool, index=self.index_of('all')) return self.reduce_columns(func, init) elif axis is None: return self._data.apply(all).all() raise ValueError(axis)
[docs] def any(self, axis=0): """ Return whether any element is True, potentially over an axis. Returns False unless there at least one element within a series or along a DictOfSeries axis that is True or equivalent (e.g. non-zero or non-empty). Parameters ---------- axis : {0 or ‘index’, 1 or ‘columns’, None}, default 0 Indicate which axis or axes should be reduced. * 0 / ‘index’ : reduce the index, return a Series whose index is the original column labels. * 1 / ‘columns’ : reduce the columns, return a Series whose index is the union of all columns indexes. * None : reduce all axes, return a scalar. Returns ------- pandas.Series See Also -------- pandas.Series.any: Return whether any element is True. all: Return True if all elements are True. """ if axis in [0, 'index']: return self._data.apply(any) elif axis in [1, 'columns']: func = lambda s1, s2: s1.astype(bool) | s2.astype(bool) init = pd.Series(False, dtype=bool, index=self.index_of('all')) return self.reduce_columns(func, init) elif axis is None: return self._data.apply(any).any() raise ValueError(axis)
[docs] def isna(self, drop_empty=False): """ Return a boolean DictOfSeries which indicates NA positions. """ data = self.dropempty() if drop_empty else self data = data.for_each('isna') return DictOfSeries(data=data, itype=self.itype, cast_policy=self._policy, fastpath=True)
[docs] def notna(self, drop_empty=False): """ Return a boolean DictOfSeries which indicates non-NA positions. """ data = self.dropempty() if drop_empty else self data = data.for_each('notna') return DictOfSeries(data=data, itype=self.itype, cast_policy=self._policy, fastpath=True)
[docs] def hasnans(self, axis=0, drop_empty=False): """ Returns a boolean Series along an axis, which indicates if it contains NA-entries. """ data = self.dropempty() if drop_empty else self if axis in [0, 'index']: return data.for_each('hasnans') elif axis in [1, 'columns']: func = lambda s1, s2: s1.isna() | s2.isna() init = pd.Series(False, dtype=bool, index=self.index_of('all')) return data.reduce_columns(func, init) elif axis is None: return self.isna(drop_empty=drop_empty) raise ValueError(axis)
[docs] def isempty(self): """ Returns a boolean Series, which indicates if an column is empty """ return self.for_each('empty').astype(bool)
[docs] def notempty(self): """ Returns a boolean Series, which indicates if an column is not empty """ return ~ self.isempty()
[docs] def isdata(self): """ Alias for ``notna(drop_empty=True)``. """ return self.notna(drop_empty=True)
[docs] def isnull(self, drop_empty=False): """ Alias for ``isna()`` """ return self.isna(drop_empty=drop_empty)
[docs] def notnull(self, drop_empty=False): """ Alias, see ``notna()``. """ return self.notna(drop_empty=drop_empty)
[docs] def to_dios(self): """ A dummy to allow unconditional to_dios calls on pd.DataFrame, pd.Series and dios.DictOfSeries """ return self
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rendering Methods def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): repr = dios_options[OptsFields.dios_repr] showdim = self.lengths.max() > dios_options[OptsFields.disp_max_rows] return self.to_string(method=repr, show_dimensions=showdim)
[docs] def to_string(self, max_rows=None, min_rows=None, max_cols=None, na_rep='NaN', show_dimensions=False, method=Opts.repr_indexed, no_value=' ', empty_series_rep='no data', col_delim=' | ', header_delim='=', col_space=None, ): """ Pretty print a dios. if `method` == `indexed` (default): every column is represented by a own index and corresponding values if `method` == `aligned` [2]: one(!) global index is generated and values from a column appear at the corresponding index-location. Parameters --------- max_cols : not more column than `max_cols` are printed [1] max_rows : see `min_rows` [1] min_rows : not more rows than `min_rows` are printed, if rows of any series exceed `max_rows` [1] na_rep : all NaN-values are replaced by `na_rep`. Default `NaN` empty_series_rep : Ignored if not `method='indexed'`. Empty series are represented by the string in `empty_series_rep` col_delim : str Ignored if not `method='indexed'`. between all columns `col_delim` is inserted. header_delim : Ignored if not `method='indexed'`. between the column names (header) and the data, `header_delim` is inserted, if not None. The string is repeated, up to the width of the column. (str or None). no_value : Ignored if not `method='aligned'`. value that indicates, that no entry in the underling series is present. Bear in mind that this should differ from `na_rep`, otherwise you cannot differ missing- from NaN- values. Notes ----- [1]: defaults to the corresponding value in `dios_options` [2]: the common-params are directly passed to pd.DataFrame.to_string(..) under the hood, if method is `aligned` """ if self.empty: return _empty_repr(self) max_cols = max_cols or dios_options[OptsFields.disp_max_cols] or 100 max_rows = max_rows or dios_options[OptsFields.disp_max_rows] or 200 min_rows = min_rows or dios_options[OptsFields.disp_min_rows] or 100 kwargs = dict(max_rows=max_rows, min_rows=min_rows, max_cols=max_cols, na_rep=na_rep, col_space=col_space, show_dimensions=show_dimensions) if method == Opts.repr_aligned: return _to_aligned_df(self, no_value=no_value).to_string(**kwargs) # add pprint relevant options kwargs.update(empty_series_rep=empty_series_rep, col_delim=col_delim, header_delim=header_delim) return pprint_dios(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_csv(self, *args, **kwargs): self.to_df().to_csv(*args, **kwargs)
to_csv.__doc__ = pd.DataFrame.to_csv.__doc__
def _empty_repr(di): return f"Empty DictOfSeries\n" \ f"Columns: {di.columns.to_list()}"
[docs]def pprint_dios(dios, max_rows=None, min_rows=None, max_cols=None, na_rep="NaN", empty_series_rep='no data', col_space=None, show_dimensions=True, col_delim=' | ', header_delim='=' ): na_rep = str(na_rep) empty_series_rep = str(empty_series_rep) col_delim = col_delim or ' ' min_rows = min(max_rows, min_rows) if dios.empty: return _empty_repr(dios) maxlen = dios.lengths.max() data = dios._data trunc_cols = len(data) > max_cols if trunc_cols: left, right = data.head(max_cols // 2), data.tail(max_cols // 2) data = left.append(right) # now data only contains series that we want to print. # if any series exceed max_rows we trim all series to min_rows series_lengths = data.apply(len).to_list() series_maxlen = max(series_lengths) trunc_rows = series_maxlen > max_rows max_rows = min_rows if trunc_rows else series_maxlen # we make a list of list, where the inner contains all # stringified values of the series upto max_rows+1, where # the additional row is the column-name outer = [] for colname in data.index: s =[colname] isempty = s.empty if isempty: s = pd.Series(empty_series_rep) idx = False cspace = col_space else: idx = True cspace = col_space // 2 if col_space else col_space sstr = s.to_frame().to_string(col_space=cspace, header=[str(colname)], index=idx, na_rep=na_rep, max_rows=max_rows, min_rows=min_rows, ) li = sstr.split('\n') # HACK: empty series produce a unnecessary space, # because index is omitted if isempty: cstr, vstr = li if len(cstr.lstrip()) < len(vstr) and (cspace or 0) < len(vstr): li = [cstr[1:], vstr[1:]] outer.append(li) # now the length of every value-string per series are the same. # we need this length's to know, how many chars we need to fill, # once we exceed the length of the series, or if we insert whole # columns. valstr_len = [len(c[0]) for c in outer] rows = max_rows + 1 # colnames aka. header rows += 1 if trunc_rows else 0 # `...` in rows rows += 1 if header_delim else 0 # underline header if header_delim: for i, c in enumerate(outer): colheader = (header_delim * valstr_len[i])[:valstr_len[i]] c.insert(1, colheader) dots = ' ... ' if trunc_cols: outer.insert(max_cols // 2, [dots] * rows) valstr_len.insert(max_cols // 2, len(dots)) series_lengths.insert(max_cols // 2, rows) txt = "" for r in range(rows): for i, c in enumerate(outer): try: vstr = c[r] except IndexError: vstr = ' ' * valstr_len[i] txt += vstr + col_delim txt += '\n' # add footer if show_dimensions: for i, c in enumerate(outer): # ignore the dot-column if trunc_cols and i == max_cols // 2: txt += dots + ' ' * len(col_delim) else: txt += f"[{series_lengths[i]}]".ljust(valstr_len[i] + len(col_delim)) txt += f'\n\nmax: [{maxlen} rows x {len(dios.columns)} columns]' txt += '\n' return txt
def _to_aligned_df(dios, no_value=' '): if dios.empty: return pd.DataFrame(columns=dios.columns) # keep track of all real nans nandict = {} for c in dios: nans = dios[c].isna() nandict[c] = nans[nans].index df = dios.to_df() df[df.isna()] = no_value # reinsert all real nans for c in df: df.loc[nandict[c], c] = np.nan return df
[docs]def to_dios(obj) -> DictOfSeries: if isinstance(obj, DictOfSeries): return obj return DictOfSeries(data=obj)
def __monkey_patch_pandas(): def to_dios(self): return DictOfSeries(data=self) pd.Series.to_dios = to_dios pd.DataFrame.to_dios = to_dios __monkey_patch_pandas()